My guess is a serious review of the hacks on this board would result in over half of them being taken down for security reasons. I have no issue with dealing seriously with a security issue, but over-reactions bother me. Not contacting the author giving them a chance to fix it. Moving the hack to the graveyard so the author can't even download it themselves (to insure the fix they are making is to the same files everyone else has downloaded - especially when the hack is two years old).
As I said, this issue has been in that code for two years. To my knowledge nobody has ever had a problem, and nobody has reported it in the hack thread. This doesn't mean it isn't serious and doesn't need to be urgently addressed, but come-on. Next time Jelsoft has a serious security issue can I expect my forum software to be immediately shut down without my consent or any pre-notification and not run again until Jelsoft fixes the issue?
Call it what you want, spin it however you want, this was a disrespectful and unnecessary act that can only make sense if you have a very exaggerated sense of self importance and your place in the world. My hack wasn't running the Mars lander, or keeping Nuclear missiles from launching, and neither is vb itself.