Well most of it is working I got the Admin Menu Sheets and templates and it functions on the pages, but it wont let me add the plugins, from either VB's plugin manager or the one in the gteamspeak menu.
Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: vb_xml_parser in E:\rFactor\includes\functions_gteamspeak.php on line 364
During lasts night research someone, somewhere said I needed the
php_xml.dll extension in PHP enabled in the php.ini but I dont have the entry or the actual file in my php.ini, or extensions folder and cant find it anywhere on the net. I also read to use the
php_xmldom.php but that wont load for me and when I look at the
class_xml.php it has a reference to the
php_xml.dll file as well.
Anyone got any Ideas whats going on here and how I can fix it?
Thanks ...
Oh One more thing, it adds a .# to the chosen username after a user Joins my TS from the homepage.
eg. xTerMn8R=xtermn8r.1 , Termi=termi.104 ???? Whats with that?