Originally Posted by edenx
I second to show best rated topics on a separate page... and the functionality to filter threads by the total rating... in forumdisplay
Well, there might be a file edit involved if you want it to rate it by just the "diggs".
Originally Posted by TCattitude
Maybe left the "forumdisplay" show thread like vb's default is (not modify that)... but generate a brand new "home page"... even a new index.php, and sort thread in that page how digg.com does; so "news" (hot threads, most voted) will display automatically in that other index.
Show hot threads for today (most voted in the last 24 hours), the last week, the last month, and "all the time". Again, like digg.com or like youtube.com does with the options in the left menu of videos main category.
Even create a new module for vbadvanced and get a new home page, more like digg too.
Will be great to have a separate page to view more "tdiggest" (voted) threads, separate it by forumids maybe, "categorize" the listing.
Nice mod, Coders Shack, really awesome 
well all that is possible because the table added uses timestamps too for future features but i might need to also add a new field "forumid" so if i were to create a mod that displayed top threads in the last 24 hours it could get X for each forum. Unfortunately I'm unfamiliar with vbadvanced add-ons but your welcome to try to come up with something.
I'll tinker with it, more suggestions are welcome.