I'm sorry guys, I've withdrawn this mod. Since this mod was a big hit, you are probably quite surprised by this.
The Geek approached me shortly after the release of this mod and suggested some changes to the architecture. I asked for some code samples, but he ended up writing a completely new product with similar functionality. I was prepared to incorporate some of the ideas, but unless I used his code he was going to release it as a totally separate product. Unfortunately we couldn't come to an agreement about the way forward and he decided to release his product anyway.
I strongly believe that there shouldn't be two products which do the same thing. Even though users are free to choose, it fragments the community - I would prefer that this idea goes further and I believe that this can only happen if everybody gets behind one mod. So I made a choice, since I can't force someone else not to release a mod based on the same idea, I'm withdrawing my mod, so that the community can get behind ONE mod, rather than two.
I'm sorry it's not my mod that will take this concept further, but I trust you'll enjoy The Geek's version and help him to build it further. It's been fun writing this mod and I learned a lot while doing it. At the end of the day at least I can say that I contributed the idea that started it all off. I strongly believe that embedded video on forums is going to really change the way things are done, and I'm glad I could at least play a small part in that.
Good luck to all of you.