Originally Posted by AndrewD
Just a quick check - have you got moderation turned on for your forums? If so, the thread creation is delayed until the moderator accepts the entry.
For your second question, try editing the ldm_thread_create_relink and ldm_thread_create_body phrases. By default, these read:
[thread={2}]Discussion Thread[/thread]
A new entry has been added to {4}
Description: {2}
To check it out, rate it or add comments, visit [ url = {3} ]{1}[ / url]
The comments you make there will appear in the posts below.
But if you don't allow bbcodes, you presumably also don't allow html, so a direct link won't work either? Am I missing something
Hi Andrew,
No I don't have moderation turned on. The link is posted to the appropriate category, it just doesn't post to the forum for some reason.
Yeah, you're right about not allowing html or BBcode. I guess there is no way around this. That's what I thought. Just checking.
Thanks again,