Originally Posted by katie hunter
Sorry about the misunderstanding x3 Here was what the issue was. Don't know if I can explain it well or not but when I used the veoh tag, I put this whole url in for example:
www.veoh.com/videos/v448414RTx2kCZp VEOH ]v448414RTx2kCZp[ /VEOH ]
Katie, this mod was never intended to be used that way. The entire point of this mod is that it automatically does these tags for you! You aren't supposed to be using the tags manually (though you could, if you did it correctly).
I strongly suggest that you go back and read the description of what it does, so that you can better understand what this is.
Originally Posted by Silvio
here is a little typo?
Included forums - enter a list of forum IDs, separated by commas, which will be excluded from automatic embedding
Thanks for that - I've corrected it, so the change will be made in the next version. I guess people will figure it out in the meantime.
Originally Posted by dizzy100
I upgraded to 1.1 and the only issue i have still that is outstanding is with a conflict between this mod and Viper's YouTube & Google Video.
If vipers bbcode plugin is enabled, your plugin refuses to parse youtube video. Disabled and your mod works as designed.
Thanks for taking the extra time to figure out which situation causes the conflict. I'll add this to the list of known issues and take a look. So far there is just one other mod that is known to conflict and that's the hide hack. However, until someone tells me which BB Code is conflicting, I'm not going to look at it.