This is AWESOME! I have a question though. It seems that the script looks at a user's TOTAL POSTS count in order to determine how many points that user has earned.
Can it be setup so that we can have the script look at another field to determine this value? See, I run a Virtual Airline website and our pilots have a custom profile field which shows how many flight hours a pilot has. And depending on how many hours a user has, it determines this user's rank.
So, if I can get LA to use this custom profile field, then my users will be able to dress their avatar with the right uniform depending on their hours (points).
I am guessing that it is hardcoded... Is this correct?
If so, can it be made so that it gives us the option to change the field LA uses to determine how many "points" a user will be awarded?
Another thing... Is this mod compatible with VB 3.6.7 PL1?