Originally Posted by Yukino_AE
Yes I followed the steps. or at least i hope i did i read them all i think @_@ lol
php version 4.4.7
curl library... erm???
open for urls on ??? (sorry forgive me i'm kinda new to some of this. blah)
and no other modifications to calendar. this is the only one on a fresh install.
Go into your
admincp>maintenance>view phpinfo and look through there and below the following sections:
Configuration > PHP Core
You should see..
If this is set to OFF, that's your first problem and you need to talk to your host provider to have them change the php.ini file to allow it to ON. The parser uses file_get_contents to pull data from the xml file on the armory.
The second thing you should look for is under the following section while viewing the same file:
Section is named CURL
- CURL support enabled
- CURL Information libcurl/7.13.1 OpenSSL/0.9.7f zlib/ libidn/0.5.15
If you don't see this then you have another problem and need to ask your hosting provider to install the curl libary which is a very common libary that everyone should have. Check that next. Also, make sure you read the troubleshooting section of the chm file.