I can't believe no one has thought of this before! Remote Vbulletin administrating!

It'd be even better if it had more features such as thread viewing, etc.
I love the charts and the Forum tab where it tells you how much % it is from the total forum! It even tells you who's viewing it! Wow!
I love the details of this program, you can easily arrange the times, names, and so much more! Easy setup too! The Who's Online is a killer. That chart makes it even better! Very easy to read and understand. Great application!
Nominated for Mod of the Month.

Great work, it'd be even better if you continued on this project.
Edit: Wow! You can just click the username or thread URL on the program and it takes you there! Great work! But, there are some errors, like when you hit somewhere two times, you get an exception error. But, that's easily avoided by hitting the "Continue" button.