Originally Posted by murrtex
Here is the working slideshow.php ;
I added
<div id="navi-outer">
<div class="ul_container">
<li><a href="#prev" onclick="showPrev();clearSlide();" title="Previous">«</a></li>
$fpss_nav_buttons = $div_id++;
for ($i=1;$i<$fpss_nav_buttons;++$i) {
<li><a class="navi" href="#<?php echo ($i < 10) ? "0".$i : $i; ?>"><?php echo ($i < 10) ? "0".$i : $i; ?></a></li>
<?php } ?>
<li><a href="#next" onclick="showNext();clearSlide();" title="Next">»</a></li>
<li><a href="#play/pause" onclick="playButtonClicked();return false;" id="playButton">Pause</a></li>
to original php file
I am sorry......but who are you replying to?
Originally Posted by fr?nk
I did the same, but what do you mean with "right files"? I took the files from the Joomla zipped mod-folder, but some files where missing. Where did you get those files? Thx Frank
When you get the zip file from Joomla you are supposed to then contact the admin via email for the vBulletin version. Once you get that, you will find the "mod_fpslideshow" folder and the slideshow.php file. Upload the "mod_fpslideshow" folder in your "forums/clientscript/" folder and the slideshow.php file in your "forums/modules" folder. Follow Lionel's instructions from there and enjoy.