Originally Posted by mfyvie
You haven't given me anywhere near enough information for me to begin to help you. However, I did paste those links you gave into my forum, and they were automatically converted and the videos played.
All I did is install the xml and put the the veoh link and it didn't work =s
Don't know may be vbseo ?? Cause I have that on.
If you want my admin password and log in, I can pm it to you.
Also here is my msn
This is the veoh bbcode, same issue with youtube didn't work
<embed src="http://www.veoh.com/videodetails2.swf?permalinkId={param}&id=anonymous &player=videodetailsembedded&videoAutoPlay=0" allowFullScreen="true" width="540" height="438" bgcolor="#000000" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer"></embed>