Originally Posted by Rouzbeh1
it would be very handy not being forced to edit each single entry, to add an additional download link, but for my conditions, i am getting out of space on my servers, so one mirror may not include a complete list of all files added to LDM.
so it may lead too many broken links if we don't control the error codes....
FYI: 3507 Entries with avg. size of 85 MB per each file
i think i was not completely right when speaking of mirrors, because a mirror is a COPY of the original server with different base url.... what i was talking about was alternative download locations.
is there a possibility to chat with you in messengers so that i could explain what i exactly need before you spend your time on implementing this feature?
Please see the attached screenshots which show how I've implemented the mirror in 2.2.8.
I've added a new admin page where you define a list of mirrors by specifying the partial url to be matched and the replacement.
When a user tries to download a url and the url matches a mirror test, LDM visits each of the available mirrors and obtains a response code for the url of interest. If more than one mirror is able and willing to satisfy the request, LDM invites the user to select one. If only one is available, it accesses that automatically.
For the jukebox, I think I will simply select a mirror at random.
This feature only works if your server has the php cURL module installed.
Please confirm that this is what you had in mind, and if you have any more suggestions before I finalise this.