Originally Posted by rjmjr69
Will do.... Now go get some rest so you can give us all more fun toys to play with
Looks like someone else just release a very simular mod I think just a tad bit late but this is what his supports.
You can find the new mod in the new modifications under search button
I've taken a look - it's a very different kind of mod, and many more steps to install. It also needs users to click a button on the links they post in. In my experience many users can't be bothered to click buttons. But I've PM'd the author so that we can maybe share information on adding different file types to our respective mods.
Originally Posted by katie hunter
You haven't given me anywhere near enough information for me to begin to help you. However, I did paste those links you gave into my forum, and they were automatically converted and the videos played.
Originally Posted by Nathan2006
Updated Thank you
Would there be anyway to exclude some forums from this?
I'll work on this today, it will probably be ready in about 8 hours or so. Stay tuned to this thread.
Originally Posted by jasculs
I use custom bbcode permissions and when someone who does not have permission to use the bbcode puts in a link the unparsed bbcode shows up instead of the link. Is there anyway to fix this or change it?
I'll simulate this issue on my own forum and see if there is a way to deal with this. If there is, it will be in the next update. Stay tuned to this thread.
Originally Posted by Ren? Kunze
I'll make sure that google.* is supported in the next update, and I'll try to include those other sites, if it is possible to do so.
Does anyone know of any other video sites that operate under multiple domains? If so, I need to loosen the logic to incorporate these other domains (like, .de, .es) but I'll need some helping in finding out which sites do this!