User rating calculated via reputation points/post count
With the rep system currently, new members are lost in the sea of reputation totals from senior members, and its impossible to determine if they are low rep for any undermines the whole rep system because it's ambiguous.
Why not have a rep display that determines your average rep per post...this way a new member can get in on the game and get noticed as a substantial contributor immediately.
These ratio's are reached by:Reputation/posts
Member 1
Posts: 2190
Reputation: 1256
Average: .57
Member 2
Posts: 710
Reputation: 1219
Average: 1.71
Member 3
Posts: 66
Reputation: 278
Average: 4.20
As you can see clearly member 3 is on course to being the most reputable of the bunch, whereas without the average displayed, he would go virtually un-noticed.
Is this something that can be implemented easily?