Originally Posted by rknight111
I wrote overtop and its all fine, it all works.
I can only seem to only work with 9 Catagory's, I have 12 to 14 Required. What I have right now is set with two 1's and two two's where it says position, and that works as it then puts it in alphabetical order for the two I have with the same position #
And I did buy the module from your site, but I wish to remove the 'Top 5 Authors' part as I add add most of the products then other people review.
By the way this mod for my site is one of the best additions I have made, I have a atv and snowmobile site and I can review from tires to snowmobile suits...
Hello Ron,
Sorry, but I didn't got the full meaning of your question. Do you mean that you can't add more than 10 categories?
As for removing "Top Authors" please contact me by email (
maria@microhellas.com) as this area is not for commercial support.