Originally Posted by tekguru
The only problem I have is that the data seems not to be passed through to vBadvanced as I have the scroll working i.e. in non-table mode I have the 'Ten Last Pots' title scrolling but nothing following it.....
Any way to pass a global at all which will fix the issue?
i don write the code to working with vBasvanced and any additonal , but i'll fix this in coming ver.
Originally Posted by gg4gg
Thanks Almotmaiz.Net very Nice Hack
Installed بجد بجد مش قادر اعبرلك عن شكري على الهاك الرهيب ده
رائع بكل ما في الكلمة من معني
لك تحياتي
تم التنصيب
u welcome dear and thnx for ur support ..
اتمنى ان يكون قد اعجبك الهاك وشكرا لمورورك وتعطيرك الصفحه ..
Originally Posted by foulad
Thanks a lot its really great work, I?m wondering if you can add this feature:
The last 3 posts with the pictures so I can add them in HTML page on the home page
شكرا لك اخي العزيز
و كنت اتمنى لو من الممكن ان تقوم بتطوير الهاك بحيث ينقل اخر 3 مواضيع بالكامل و مع الصور الى الصفحة الرئيسي التي قد تكون html
اخي الكريم اذا ا ردنا ان نقوم بنقل المشاركات وع حتوى المشاركه يجب أن نقوم بتغيير طريقة عمل الهاك .. سأرى ما استطيع عمله .. وولكن هل قصدت فقط للمواضيع الخارجيه فقط ؟؟
Originally Posted by Jay-MOB
Peace be on you,
Hey can you make put it on the side forum instead on the middle of the page?
P.s. can the posts be made smaller e.g.
Instead of:
Introduction Thread
Last Post : Jay-mob - Replies : 0 - Views : 3 - Time: 06:23 PM - Date: 06-18-2007
Last Post: Introduction Thread by Jay-Mob (0/3) Yesterday 06:23 PM.
It does not show the time and day, if you have the without table options on.
that would be really great.
E.g. instead of the date having today, yesterday and etc. and could the date and time made as seperate options?
u can make it manually and but it were u want
and about date shown style .. this take ur defult in ur CP option ..
and about change shown output style u can edit tempalet called "lxts_bit"
note: i'll take this notes as develovemnt notice
Originally Posted by RTFA
Great Mod...Love it.
Is there a way to scroll just the text (without the thread columns) vertically. Check out my site...I want just this to scroll vertically and compact instead of horizontally. That would make it show the last two or three threads quicker. I know you can set it to scroll vertical....but then it shows the threads with the column bars...which takes up too much space. I want exactly what you see here to scroll vertically within this same size window without the thread columns.
Also...you mentioned JAVA effects for Firefox..any luck?
heloo RTFA ,
about whene u select vertical, u can set hight in CP optin in opitional options
and Java effects , i'll but more effect in new update ..