Adding template and modifying fields
I'm trying to design a form that will serve as a "link exchange request" form.
I'm not very knowledgeable in the coding area so any help will be greatly appreciated.
This is what I have done so far:
1) I've created a new template based on the contactus template...copying the code from the contactus template to the new one I've created...basically having two contactus forms.
2) I copied the sendmessage.php page and renamed the new one to sendmessage2.php. I've also changed the new link exchange request template post action to use the sendmessage2.php page.
Now...the way I figure it is that if I can add and/or modify the fields on this new template I've created...I basically have a link exchange request page that uses image verification...since the code was copied from the original contact us template.
Assuming this can I add fields like a drop down menu box, etc., etc.?
Again...any help is greatly appreciated and I hope to hear from someone soon...since other posts I have made in other hacks have yet to be answered...either due to lack of mod support...lack of knowledge...or no one gives a "you know what".