Originally Posted by :Judge:
I have paid for the new 3.6.7 version of this style and seem to have a slight issue with the JSFX header menu working in the PP Gallery that I hope someone here might be able to help me with.
In the Photopost Gallery of my site I get a JSFX error for the FAQ button. Please keep in mind that I have made NO changes to the header at all, the FAQ button works fine on every other page and it is ONLY the FAQ button that displays the error when the arrow is placed over it within the gallery. See this at www.CecilCountyCitizens.com/gallery/index.php
My guess is that I am over looking something small but being just the faq button in the gallery only is the strangest damn thing.
For future reference, I had this issue, twice now.
I just fixed it again. Lines 53, 54, 55 of the "header" template are the files you need to edit. Check the case, the "id='FAQ'" needs to agree with the onMouseover statements above it in the "FAQ" section of the rollovers.