Originally Posted by dottom
Has anyone been able to get {css=myclass} to work in a table? I haven't had any luck getting it to work. I need to set a specific class for each row becaue the tables are too large if I have to apply formatting to each individual cell. I can't use the generic table css becaues I have a few different classes, i.e. depending on the content of the row it might be colored red, yellow, green, or white.
I have gotten it to work somewhat. I have figured out how to apply formatting to the table and cell contents, but I can't seem to apply formatting to the header row (I'm sure I just don't know enough about CSS to figure that out on my own).
Here is what I did:
1) In AdminCP, go into Styles, and go to Main CSS for the style you are using. If you are using multiple styles, you'll need to do this for each style.
2) In the Additional CSS section (very bottom) create a new CSS entry called .stg_table_mycss (use something else other than mycss). You will need the . before.
3) If you are applying the style to the whole table, use .stg_table_mycss.
If you are applying the style to the cell contents (text), use .stg_table_mycss td. If you are applying the style to the cell row (alternating colors??) use .stg_tablerow_mycss
See my post above for examples.
4) Once you have created the CSS entries (and saved them), go into vB Options> vb code [table] options. You'll need to check the {css=} option at the top to enable that feature, and you'll also need to enter in
mycss in the Styles for Table and Styles for Tablerow sections.
Save those options, and then reload your page. You may need to hard refresh (clear cache, etc) to force the download of the CSS again.