Paid Subscriptions question
Hey all,
So I'm still getting my site going and learning about vbulletin. After doing some looking around I figured it would be easier to use vbulletins built in paid subscriptions thing rather than installing a donations hack.
I am the owner of a online gaming community. I'm hoping to get the paid subscriptions going in order to pay for servers, team speak, and other expenses. All the money is going toward paying for community expenses so I don't have to go broke.
On with the question.
I created five (5) paid subscriptions options and set up the necessary info so I receive the money to pay the bills. The problem is I don't see any link anywhere on the site to where users can sign up for the subscriptions. How do I get that part working to where it is usable?
Also, even though this is completely non-profit, do I need to upgrade my paypal account to the business one? And is there anything I need to do in order to ensure I am within the law (don't want the IRS coming after me).
Any assistance is appreciated,