Typically when I want to create a box outline for a website, I use the following steps:
1) I start off by adding Guides to get the appropriate size box that I'm looking for.
2) Make the box using the steps in this article.
3) Using the Rectangular Marquee tool, I select a small square box (usually about 20-25 pixels) around the left corner, use the Copy Merged function to copy everything inside of it (in case you didn't know, Copy Merged copies
every layer instead of just the one you currently have selected in the Layers palette), and then open a new image, paste it, then Save for Web.
4) Use the selection / copy merged / blah blah step for the other corners, the whole top, the background, or whatever other parts of your box you want to use.
5) Use and enjoy
Currently my normal computer is broken, so I'm stuck on my mom's laptop, otherwise I would've made that little how-to a little more in-depth. Hopefully I made it clear enough. If you have any questions, just ask!