Originally Posted by Seiyaboy
If that is the case, you have to manually insert "profile.php?$session[sessionurl]do=requestusername" as link a into the usercp_shell template. Manual editing of templates are pretty common when you use an outdated version of a custom styled template for your vbulletin. For me, I had to manually edit it in, but I find no problem doing some. You shouldn't either.
Thanks for that clear up.
Originally Posted by Censtudios
I have vbulletin 3.6.7 but I dont know how to add the cells... I did it once but when I changed my template I had to do it again and somehow the README doesnt say how.... I forgot where I read how to do it o_O
If you add the required template hook at the bottom of the template it works. But I'll write instructions later for it.