Display Forum Elements on Main Website page
Hi - This is my first post here. I was recommended to this site and what a great site this is!
We have recently installed Vbullein. It is not live yet, as we are learning how to use it properly first.
My question; is it possible to include some elements of our Vbulletin Forum on our main website's home page? The main website is an ecommerce store. (I can edit this with an HTML editor)
I was thinking of things like a side box showing latest forum posts or perhaps a Poll etc.. The idea being to attract our webstore browsers to have a look at our new forum and become involved. I can easily add a simple link to the forum, but thought some dynamic content would be more attractive.
Is it possible to do this with VB 3.6.7PL1 as it is, or do I need a hack or another program to acheive this?
Any help will be really appreciated - thank you.