Originally Posted by svtsnake01
I make $5K-$10K a month, depending on how many sponsors are renewing their advertising with me. I do poorly on Adsense for some reason, most I have made with Adsense is $1500.
Site has over 25,000 registered members.
You would do better with some better placements. I see you did improve it by removing that annoying "please register" overlay you had on there. I am a member on your site and even with the "remember me" feature it would popover.
Better placements will improve your adsense. I changed one of my sites and went from 4k/ 5k a month to 11k/12k a month on one of my sites.
Your articles need better ad integration. It will pay out much better. If you have any questions dont hesitate to PM me. I check in here every other day.