Okay, your forum has got some okay things changed, but it needs a lot of work both style and management wise.
Please, change the default, and make some images either with the right background colour or transparent, as your logo and status icons look terrible on the coloured background.
Remove the default column text. Keep the custom stuff, remove this:
Right Column Block Three
This can be edited through your Ultimate Side Columns Options
Right Column Block Four
This can be edited through your Ultimate Side Columns Options
Right Column Block Five
This can be edited through your Ultimate Side Columns Options
Smilies are only the default, look too plain.
Please change buttons, they don't correspond with the custom backgrounds.
You have 6 forums totally empty. Fill them up with something, as empty forums put visitors off registration, seriously.
Is about 80% of your content RSS feeds turned topics? Because I think you need to also post some interesting stuff by yourself, or get some intelligent vBulletin experts to post content for you.
Probably too many forums for this size board.
Far too many advertisements and links. You need to limit them, as your site does not have the activity to warrant that many adverts around the style.
You obviously need more active members. Only 1 ONE other member than you has posted anything, and that is just one post. Get your community posting, it won't happen automatically!
Advertisements for GoDaddy domains and hosting? That's like the worst possible host for a vBulletin forum! Nothing major, just slightly interesting.