eh, the replies stink of fan-boy like text. I never said I "hated" vb, I actually like it but this software seems to be dependent on "free, sorta supported, community mods" and not code by the professionals at the vb team. The only major additions to vb itself in the last years have been quick quote and ajax quick replies.
The fact that I have to pay $120+ for photopost to get a nice (it's not very nice, support staff acts like "why are you bothering important me?") video support and ipb comes with it for free pisses me off.
But, whatever, I'm set in my ways and no longer have time to screw around with new forum software. It's just, my friend had a choice, vb or ipb, he compared, he went with ipb and it looks like he made the right choice.
What will other newbie forum owners choose? Again, this isn't a flame thread, it's just a concered forum owner wanting the best for his customers and future customers on future sites...