Originally Posted by RS_Jelle
1. That's not possible, but you can use phpMyAdmin to change this pretty easily. Have a look at the dl_files table with it. Allowing users to change this would be some kind of cheating (they would add some hundreds of "downloads" to make their site look big), so I don't think it would be a good feature.
2. Are you really, really sure that the delay option is set to 0? I haven't heard of any other complaints since it was bugfixed in a previous release.
Hay thanks for your reply.
1. If i edit the number from Phpmyadmin then it will not cause any trouble?
I mean i saw this DownloadsII logs the user name and date which some has downloaded it.
So it should match the number in that table right? or if its different still not make any problems?
2. Yes its on 0, and it shows some (-) time like -46 like stuff