Originally Posted by thenewuser
Okay, vb is a super popular paid forum system. 90% of the forums I go to are vb. You guys are making bank.
This is my friends new site, powered by IP.Board.
This site is a brand new install with ONE tiny mp3 mod installed.
LOOK at that! Clean, beautiful default skin, wonderful AJAX powered complex profile system, full user file upload system, full gallery system, with video support and yada yada.
Why hasn't vb updated their software with stuff like this? I am beginning to wish I had started my new site with IPb instead...
Arg. Can we expect updates like this? If not then my next site, which I'll start in 2 or 3 months, will have to be IPb instead, even though I'm "set in my ways" with vb. I will be willing to learn a whole new system for the "cleaner" features for the users.
Sorry, if this sounds like a flame, I love vb, I must, I own 3 medium sized forums. It's just, how can I be expected to use it when this kid who just freshly installed a cheaper forum software and it looks and has more abilities than most of the vB forums out there?
I doubt I'm the only one who feels this way but maybe I am. If no one agrees then I'll shut up and put up. 
Indeed it's nice, however, vBulletin can do the samething, but much better. Not to mentino, IPB has lack of support and modification by users. I hardly can find good mods in that community.
Unlike vBulletin, we have an official site for issues (vbulletin.com) and a mod community (vbulletin.org).
What does IPB have to offer? Crappy services, crappy modification. IPB is good at some point.
Maybe an experience coder could do what IPB did on the usergroups and on the members layout page (which u link us too).