Extract the tar or zip game file, there are 4 files : swf, php and 2 gif files (for v2.0 game)
Firstly upload the game swf file to arcade folder.
Second upload the 2 image gif files to arcade/images
Thirdly, open the php file, you can see something like this:
$config = array(
gname => 'amgdriftGC',
gtitle => 'AMG Drift Competition',
bgcolor => '000000',
gwidth => '806',
gheight => '490',
active => '1',
gcat => '1',
//optional leave blank if not using
gwords => 'Take a spin on a closed winter course and learn how to drift',
object => 'score points by drifting',
gkeys => 'see in game.',
Go to ACP in the Arcade panel, click the Add game option. See the picture below:
Enter the data appropreately in each field, when finished save it, thats all.
Hope this help.