Originally Posted by ferocity302
The only problem I have with this thread is the implying that all women are trouble and that all women are this way.
I have had problems with men on forums being idiots just as well as women. So, it could go both ways.
I don't give anyone a second chance if I feel they are doing something to hurt my forums. Especially if it's spam or harassment. I don't really care what their gender is on the issue either. They're all computer operators gender free to me. Most of them that cause problems have the all too common ID10T operator error anyway.
And please gentlemen, some of us ladies can hold our own in a car forum or other "guy" type forum, and no we don't have to be batting for the other team so to speak to fit in either.
The 302 in my name here is for a Ford 302. Nope, not a ford fan but because my ex husband was such an idiot, I had to memorize the firing order for him because he was too stupid to only take one plug wire off at a time when changing the plugs on his car.
So, idiots are genderless really.
Originally Posted by deezelpope
Very good point, Ferocity302...troublemakers are troublemakers, despite their gender.
I love the SERVICE DENIED clause as well!! Most excellent!!
No laides, I said an attractive women, who is seeking nothing but attention is trouble to a group of men.
It's my belief that any women who doesn't have female friends, and can only get along with men, does so becuase she can only get along by flirting with men. These women are trouble and trouble and drama follows them, and they wonder why.
This girl was using my shoutbox as her personal attention center, to boost self esteem and looking for love on my website.
Not a good idea. And when I'd tell my friend about my thoughts, after he'd complain, he'd turn around and tell her I'm talking trash. (DUMB ASS) Then she'd PM other members going, she can't come to the meets cause certain people think things about her, and she'd get mad. Again, see where I'm going with this. Around and Around.