Originally Posted by CamJM
I was very keen on developing the vbA modules for this add-on. Having a bit of trouble getting them to display. Not really sure what the problem is but if I make them active in a column there is a response in that the column is created just no content displayed.
One thing I have noticed is that the edit module screen still has a ldm_( module name).php in the file to include. There are no php files, only the .module files were included
Because I am using the up-to-date version of vbA (v3.0 RC1) I have set the 'Process PHP File Modules Within A Function' to no as mention in the wiki.
Anyway i thought i'd post as much info as possible. Hope someone can help. It would be hugely appreciated, cause I really think I'm going to have fun with this addon.
Thanks, Cam
Not sure what problem you're experiencing. I found that the modules as supplied do work for me with vbA3.0 as long as 'process in a module' is turned off. I fixed that for the next release - it's basically a matter of wrapping the initialisation code into a function so that everything gets properly globalised.
If you want to share a bit more off line - e.g. by PM, feel free to contact me.