Originally Posted by txsbmw
I notcied some people were having problems getting the bounced e-mails (as I am). I use my own domain e-mail addy and have not received any bounced e-mails even though I sent out a mass e-mail last night. Come to find out (even though I have my admin e-mail set up in the config.php as well as everywhere else such as AdminCP and such) the e-mails were being returned to my "catch all" account that was automatically created when I set up my hosting. I never use that account or even check it, and if I had not had stumbled across it in my Cpanel last night I would have never have known that is where the bounced e-mails were going. I have already contacted my hosting company to find out what is going on, but I thought I would let other users know that are using their domain e-mail address that if they are not getting the bounced e-mails to check their catch all account to see if they are there.
For those that may have had this problem (it was not just a vbulletin problem, but for all software that I use and use the PHP sendmail function). After almost a month my hosting company got this figured out (this use to not happen, seems to have started happening after they upgraded to PHP5). They fixed it and I asked what they did so others would know what to do if this was happening to them, here is what they said after I sent them one of the e-mail headers:
As I can see your message headers are formed incorrectly (envelope sender address isn't specified explicitly, so actual address is composed from your account name and server's hostname).
Here is what they said they did to fix it:
I've changed sendmail command syntax in your local php.ini file, i've added envelope sender address option to its command line.