Originally Posted by Sychev_S
This is quite shocking to be honest.
I though hacks are suppose to be improved and updated with features? Especially paid ones? It was nowhere stated that this is a so called "finished product" and that no update will be made.
There is hundreds of problems I have encountered in just one day of using vbphotovote, lack of many "MUST HAVE" features such as ability for moderators to approve photos is one of them.
There is no way I would call this a completed product, it is faaaaaaar, faaar away from being completed.
Instead to shout like "faaaaaar" etc spend sometime to explore the mod. Who told you that Admin can't approve photos? Please before post any complain, just check the mod. vbPhotoVote was released at November 2006 and since then has five(5) upgrades wilth A-L-L suggestions that users have post. I'm not talking for upgrades for bug fixes, but for major upgrades with new features.
It's more than 3 months now that nobody suggested anything. So, what to improve? Have you any really useful suggestion? If yes, post it.