I do below steps:
1) run a query (predictions.sql)
2) edit 1 file (calendar.php)
3) edit 4 templates
- calendar_edit
- calendar_edit_customfield
- calendar_showeventsbit
- calendar_showeventsbit_customfield
4) upload 2 files
- ...forum\clientscript\ajaxpredict.js
- ...forum\predictions.php
But, I dont know how do other steps:
5) add a frontend redirect phrase (how)
6) create a dedicated calendar for sports and remember its id. You will need to replace mine (which is 4) with yours.
7) add some custom fields to that calendar
The first two fields are mandatory and must be named Home and Away if you change that, then you would need to change all templates.
Plz help and guide me for steps 5,6,7.
If I have mistake in steps 1..4, inform me plz.