You'd be amazed how much damage one stupid 20 year old girl can do to a forum of a bunch of guys. I run a local car site. Small community, everyone knows each other off the forum. The forum is mostly day time entertainment for a lot of guys at work.
One of my moderators starts dating a girl, and I'm happy for him. He's a friend who doesn't seem to have luck in that area.
A few months later, him and her aren't really in a relationship yet. And she's now using the shout box for attention regularly. Then she's flirting with different members. She's pretty attractive to a point, minus her two kids (yes at 20). Then some drama starts to crop up.
I want to can this dumb girl, becuase I've had this happen before. But my one moderator didn't want me to. But yesterday I had enough and banned her.
The problem here though, is that several guys on this site have been interested or in a semi-relationship with her already. And she is bouncing around. This is overall bad. VERY VERY BAD. A female can cause a rift between a bunch of guys very quickly. And if that guy is emotionally involved with her (even more so sexually) then he'll be 10x more likely to side with her case. Case in point, one member who is the guy currently involved with her, at the hip, made a post today about me being an +++++++.
I decided to finally ban this chick after some of the female members started to complain about her, her drama just keeps spreading.
Then today I get this PM from her:
Im personally tired of your attacks on me..And since your web "rules" arent backed by a Legall Agreement or Written by a lawyer, I have saved all the ims and link you have redirected me to. I have contacted my lawyer and I am suing you and the website for SEXUAL DISCRIMINATION, HARASSMENT, AND UNDUE STRESS, since you own it. and have all rights to it I suggest hiring a lawyer yourself. I dont mess around and I personally am fed up with you "Sexual Discrimination" and Harrasment toward me for no reason at all. Good Luck. [Offline Message (Tue Jun 12 11:51:54 2007)]
Oh please, just go the frack away you lil drama queen.
See, I want to get rid of her, becuase I know that a girl can get people going in different directions really fast. And it's already starting to happen.
I can't curb it any further. She didn't break any rules, but I do have these few clauses in my forum rules:
SERVICE DENIED: There may be times when a forum member becomes so annoying to fellow forum members and/or moderators -- even without specifically violating any forum rules or the code of conduct, that the appropriate remedy is just to deny service to them.
Please remember that being a member at IS NOT A RIGHT. The forum is a private enterprise and its owner has the right to establish rules of behavior for participants. The owner reserves the right to deny your use of this service at any time, without stated reason. The owner reserves the right to use the site for any purpose or change the service or content.
Anyone ever have this happen to them?