What people don't seem to realise is that ZT spends hours supporting his paid hacks.
He has released more hacks than just about anyone else on vb.org - and has released more popular ones than anyone else (most HOTMs) So it's impossible for him to support them.
At the end of the day, you are geting something for FREE, to also expect the authors time for free, and then actually have a go at them when they can't give you it? Thats just plain rude.
How about we come to your house, and force you to fix something you gave us as a present for hours every day? Somehow i doubt you would be up for that.
I totally agree. Anyone can write, it is the follow through that counts. That is where he is still a kid.
Exactly how does not having enough time to support things you give people for free make you "still a kid"? I can show you hundreds of coders who do the same thing. Would you prefer it if he just didnt release free hacks at all?
If anyone can write, go code RPG Inferno. I *DARE* you.
Until you can code the things he can, and release the amount he has, keep your amateurish observations to yourself.
I haven't seen one coder in here who releases the same amount and quality of products as ZT critisice his support policy. Not a single one. It's not coincidence that the people who ARE doing it have no idea what it entails.
- Iain "Decado" Kidd