Gabrielt, we have experienced a similar situation on our site, where db load is significantly lower than web load. Our mysql server usually hovers under 0.20, yet the web server can go quite high (as high as 10-20.0 with about 7K users online). I think this is normal.
I checked out your server specs, and your load seems a little high given the setup. We are only running two servers, one web and one db. Our web server is a double-dual 250 AMD Opterons with 4GB RAM, and under normal load conditions (2K users) load remains just below 1.0. You said in your SOR that your max users is 2.5K, so to be above 1.0 load on both of your web servers seems pretty high.
Have you taken a look at your switch traffic? If you are running a 100mb switch you could be maxxing it out and causing processes to cue.