Originally Posted by RTFA
Make sure above are up to date (3.6.6 3.6.7 didn't have any template changes)
What do you mean up to date? I am running 3.6.7....you mean up to date as in this hook ( as shown above) installed?
No. When you upgraded from any version to 3.6.6 or 3.6.7 your
nonmodified templates updated. However, modified templates were left untouched and working as if it still was your old version.
In order to update your modified templates correctly, follow the instructions posted
Postbit postbit_legacy navbar and memberinfo all have different hooks (different names) the one you mentioned is just one of the postbits. I think there are nine different hooks in each postbit, and navbar and memberinfo have their own hooks, so follow instructions and if done correctly it will work beautifully ^^
PS heavily modified templates will take a while to update so be patient, and make a backup of it ^^
i cant seem to install this could someone explain to me
Makes sure your forum version is 3.6.7 and templates are up to date
Upload all th files to the their corresponding directories.
Makes sure the images go to your templates images directory
Install the product (admincp -> plugins and products -> product admin) [in the bottom part of the page]
Set up your hack configuration
and you are done ^^