Is there any known issues with sub-groups management for this mod?
I try to better explain and please accept my apologises for itanglish used.

(Scenary : vBull 3.6.7PL1/ FlashChat4.7.11/FlashChat Integration 3.52)
example : I do not want that 'Registered Users' group has privileges to use flashchat, but I want that a Group called 'Active Users' nested as sub-group to 'Registered Users' could have the rights to login the Chat.
Now at the state of the art this option is unavailable as if I try to set on 'Registered Users' group all necessary flashchat rights as by following parameters:
- No Chat Access=yes
(tested also with - Banned From Chat=No
and aftewords set the sub-group 'Active Users' as
- User Level Access= yes
this subgroup then should get access but it don't.
they only way I got to let it work is
- No Chat Access=no on 'Registered Users'
- User Level Access= yes on 'Active Users'
obviously the chat requester presented to 'Registered Users' is not the one ment, but it works.
Did I something wrong? is it fixable?
ty so much and regards
take care