Credit System?
I am looking something like credit system on my forums, when the users comes more online, more replys each thread open, by clicking the ads, they will earn credits, then on the forum when they visit the special forums each thread they trying to view they need to pay credit.
I think this script will make the community in the forums more successfull, because when the users visiting the forums, they are taking the information they need and not visiting again.. Most forum sites got only maximum 10% of registered users comes aktive..
I have got more specification to add this mod, but i want to learn, if you can write this script, how much would you cost? Or can you add it to visionscripts Hide mod? Which the users can get the credits with recieved thanks, also when users sharing the something on the forum, they can sell it with credits, example like;
[hide-reply] user has to reply to view..
[hide-creadit=20] User has to pay 20 credit from his balance to view the thread...
Can you be able to write this script?
I am looking forward to hearing from you..
Aycan Yumusak