Ok got that bit working thanks, but it doesnt keep formatting, a post is here:
But looks like this on the portal! Why would this be? Thanks
Division 1PlayedWonDrawLostForAgainstGDPtsEngland - x YNWA x 16140273205342France - cracker jack 9921109454Real Madrid - xhCfMx Whippy21017613Valencia - JohnnyTightLips210146-23Barca -Dannythomas894013820-121Sweden - lee180400000000Man Utd - Brani9900000000Brazil - leeroy0100000000Holland - matt301100000000Inter - SeeSoSeeSo00000000Spain - grant boii36000000000Italy - scott1199000000000Czech Republic - Salford Gamer200226-40Chelsea - xhCfMx James200218-70ac millan - Magic Mike200218-70Arsenal - jay192882002011-110Roma - GunitG2002117-160