i been trying to learn to code and took on a project but nevermind all that i am stumped so i will show you the code. i need to be able to grab song listings from a database table and show them in a neat table.
if i go here info.php?artist=Artistname
with the below code it will show all the albums in the database and info to go with it but what ever i have tried i cant get it to show a table with all the songs in the database to go with the album...
$sql="SELECT ID,title,artist,albumyear,genre,album, picture from songlist WHERE artist='$artist' GROUP BY album ORDER BY album";
echo "<table class=alt2 border=0 width=100%><tr><td>";
echo "<table border=0 width=100% height=96><tr><td class=thead height=21><p align=left><font color=#c0c0c0>".$data->album." | Fan Rating: 9.4 | Rate this album</font></a></p></td></tr>";
echo "<tr><td><table border=0 width=100%><tr><td><center><img src=pictures/".$data->picture."' border='1'width='130'height='130'></center></td><td width=30%><b>Artist</b>: ".$data->artist."</a><br><b>Album</b>: ".$data->album."<br><b>Release Date</b>: ".$data->albumyear."<br><b>Genre</b>: ".$data->genre."</td>";
echo "<td width=50%><p align=left>";
<------ right here i want to display table---->
with the song listings for this current album
echo "</td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</td></tr></table>";
echo "</td></tr></table>";
$sql2="SELECT title from songlist WHERE artist='$artist' AND album='$album'";
echo "$tracks</td></tr>";
} else {
echo "none";
echo "</td></tr>";
in the above code is what i have so far. and you can see a arrow and where i would like to throw in a table that grabs the songs for the album associated..
if i type ".$data->title." it will show the first track but no others. thats where i get stuck
the code below is standalone which will grab the songs for that artists if i call the page
<tr align=center bgcolor="<? echo $tbl_hdr; ?>">
<font size=1 color="<? echo $text; ?>" face=tahoma>
<font face=tahoma size=1 color="<? echo $text; ?>">
<font face=tahoma size=1 color="<? echo $highlight; ?>">
$query2 = "select ID,title,trackno from songlist WHERE album='$album' and artist='$artist' ORDER BY trackno";
$result2 = mysql_query($query2);
if(($count % 2)==0){
} else {
echo "<tr bgcolor=$bgcolor><td><font size=2 face=tahoma color='$highlight'>";
echo $data2->trackno;
} else {
echo $count;
echo "</td/><td><font face=tahoma size=2 color='$text'>";
echo $data2->title;
echo "</td></tr>";
by itself and it will show the songs in a nice little table. but figure one allows me to grab all the artists albums in one spot. and now i just need to throw the songs for the albums in there.