I have some hidden issue on my board *grumbles* SO seeing how the guild is not using it yet and I hate looking for bugs, I'm going to purge the database and delete the files off the server and start over. I have a feeling it's an addon or mod I was trying out and thought I removed all traces of but missed some, missing things up. I was messing around with some memberlist mods and I have a feeling they are the ill messing things up -.-
Thanks again for all your help. For 2 years I've tried to find something that does what your doing. Phpraid was awesome except the lack of VB integration. And since guild members worldwide seem to suffer from the same laziness when it comes to using the guild website, different signups meant a good portion of the members wouldn't use it. Some because they are lazy; some because they are really clueless when it comes to the internet. So thank you again for making this available and for helping all us code noobs get it working ^_^