Jeesh people, you're reacting like this was supposed to be the end all to plagiarism. This just makes it way harder for people to come along and just take stuff. When someone quotes a post the bbcode and all is there for the taking, this eliminates that. And no form of copy paste I've ever seen duplicates the bbcode formating.
Like he said, nothing is perfect, there's ways around it, don't know why with mods like these everyone always feels the need to come in and prove their hacking abilities to get around it lol.
I for one understand the point to your mod and will be using on my graphics tutorials so if anyone really wants to rip them they'll have to WORK HARDER to get them, since I KNOW it doesn't totally prevent it.
Though I'll have to make a custom button for my style, but I think a re-wording of the button is a good idea too.