Originally Posted by aj8690
Very nice.
Just one problem, which I hope can be fixed.
When the downloads directory is outside of the public html directory, like mine (for added security), and a member uploads an image to associate to a file, it doesn't do it right. When you try to go to the image, it will make the url like this: www.domain.com/home/user/downloads, which won't work because it's not within the public html directory. Is there a way to fix this without putting the downloads folder inside the public html directory?
At the moment non public html directories aren't supported yet. This will be a feature in v6.
But using a public html directory is pretty secure as the uploaded files have three random characters after the file name. If you download a file, you just see the original file name.
Only the screenshots are directly linked to the folder, but you can disable image viewing for guests.
Originally Posted by logofreax
I already recoded this part to the vBulletin like stars for v6. But at the moment I'm busy for two more weeks with my final exams. Afterwards I've got a sea of time
Originally Posted by Mrdby
this should have a menu options just in case u want to change the order of the catergories..cause i notice i made 4 already and want the last one i created to show at the top instead the bottom..and i have to delete the others and start over.
This already exists. When you add/edit a category there's a weight field to control this. So no need to remove all categories and add them again ...
Originally Posted by Mrdby
Now maybe you can add for certain catergories to have PAID subscriptions FOR REGISTERED AND GUEST. gUEST CAN EVEN pay through paypal to down if they like..or to post downloads. Possible?
You can control the access to separate categories using the DownloadsII usergroup permissions. So you can accomplish this with separate user groups for paid download subscriptions. Also adding downloads is a usergroup permission.