Site 5? Ya, you just moved from one bad apple to another one. I had dreamhost for one month now and again has been running smoothly. I went to the powweb forums and the moderators are still removing complaints here and there. What's sad is the mods really don't work for them. They are customers who pretend to know it all. Powweb's support is seperate from them and occasionally, the powweb staff chats, but remove posts they don't like. They always say "keep this a happy thread". Hmm... if we have to keep this a happy thread, don't you think there might be too many pissed of customers? My friend from ffusite is about to leave them. I occasionally goto the forums to stir them up, but they used to be quality. Dreamhost does have a 3 month refund policy... so if you wanna play your cards, try them.