I was being sarcastic.
Nothing drives me away from a site faster than the smell of desperation. Upon loading your site, I am immediately assaulted with *3* requests to register.
The first, an incredibly annoying bar at the top that stalks me (yes, I know it can be closed) followed up with what appears to be an out of place "click here to register" table, right above a quick register form (which, btw, is not collapsable) that takes up a large portion of the entire page.
If I'm brave (or masochistic) enough to continue on downward, immediately following there is yet another reminder that I am unregistered.
That's 4 registration requests before I'm even halfway down the page!!
Then, to top the whole thing off.. all of the forums are private! So, my reward for bravely trekking through the registration assault is to be greeted with forums I can't even look at to see if the community is something I even want to be a part of!
Just my take on the matter. Do what you will.