Hi all,
I'm sorry to hear about Don's experience with AddonChat, and would like to reiterate my previous post:
We provide full support for AddonChat. If you have any questions at all about installation, just eMail us with your account number at
support@addonchat.com. We do not provide support via these forums. AddonInteractive's company forums (which also use vBulletin) are intended primarily for customer to customer support and discussion. If you'd prefer, we recommend contacting us directly at
support@addonchat.com to through our support center at
Additionally, we are more than happy to give two week trial upgrades to anyone who requests it. Just sign up for a free account at
http://www.addonchat.com/ and send us an email or give us a call. The bare minimum requirements are the Professional edition with the Remote (HTTP) authentication module; but we recommend the Professional PLUS edition as you get a lot more for your money. A free trial allows you the opportunity to fully test and review our software before making a purchase. After this, we also offer an unconditional 30 day money back guarantee.