Do you have access to a control panel from your host? If yes, You should have a place there to make this work.
If not,
One of the most requested items we get is "How do I make an html redirect page".
Strangely enough this is one of the easiest things to accomplish, but then anything is easy when you know how to do it!
Here's the code:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<title>Your Page Title</title>
<meta http-equiv="REFRESH" content="0;url="></HEAD>
Optional page text here.
Code Description:
<meta http-equiv="REFRESH" content="0;url="> is the part that actually does the redirecting.
The number preceding the url (in this case zero) tells the browser the number of seconds to wait before redirecting to the new url.
You could set this to 5 and add some optional text to your page - something like:
Remove this
Optional page text here.
for a blank page or place with
Please wait while we redirect you to our new site
and change 0 to 5
0 will give you a quick redirect
That's it! Just copy the code, save it (i.e. save as index.html) and your html redirect will work perfectly
you can upload (ftp)it to your root or just copy the code and paste it on a blank page from your host, name it index.html.