I searched and did not pull up anything, but do you know that if you have a moderated usergroup and the 0 post welcome header is enabled it will not update that usergroups post count. I know weird, lol. Here is what I mean:
I have the default Registered Users group (all members get placed here upon registering). This group has it's posts moderated so we can catch Spammers. Once they have made 5 posts they are promoted to another usergroup that is not moderated.
Ok now if I enable the welcome header for those who have 0 posts. The posts do get moderated, BUT when you validate the post the users post count remains the same. You have to go to AdminCP ==> Maintenance ==> Update Counters ==> Update Post Count and run that to get it to reflect their correct post count.
Now how do I know it is this Mod doing this? Simple, the problem started as soon as I installed this mod. So for grins I set the Enable Never Posted Message to no and poof the user count for the moderated usergroup is working again correctly. I turn it back to yes and nope no longer working.
So any idea on a fix for this because I would really like to use it for those who have not posted to let them know what to do and that their posts are moderated for the first 5 posts!